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Asia's Pacific Midshore International Business and Financial Centre
As a midshore jurisdiction, we offer global investors and businesses the benefits of being in a wellregulated and supervised jurisdiction, which adheres to international standards of compliance in tax transparency. We also provide fiscal neutrality and certainty in a currency neutral operating environment. Labuan IBFC, located in the centre of Asia, boasts a cost-efficient enabling environment making it an ideal location for substance creation for both global businesses looking at penetrating Asia or Asian entities aiming to go global.
Offering a wide range of business structures and investment solutions catered to cross-border transactions and international business dealings including fintech related solutions. We also provide services and solutions in niches such as risk management, commodity trading, reinsurance, wealth management, international business companies and Islamic financial services. Operating with clear and comprehensive legal provisions, guidelines and practice notes, enforced by a single regulator, Labuan FSA, Labuan IBFC provides an ideal jurisdiction for both corporates and high-net-worth individuals with international exposure.
To keep up with everything about Labuan IBFC, follow us on Twitter or @LabuanIBFC.
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