August 2021
Dear Friends of Labuan,
We have fantastic news to share: Labuan has reached herd immunity with more than 80% of its adult population inoculated! This means economic as well as social activities on the island can slowly return to some form of normalcy.
The lead up to this achievement has been trying for all Labuanites. We were one of the first territories in Malaysia to unexpectedly suffer from the Delta variant but with an aggressive vaccination drive, the dedication of medical personnel and support from the private sector, we are starting to turn the tide. Read about it in our short write-up this month.
Continuing with the positive news, the team and I are pleased to share that Labuan IBFC has again been recognised as the leading captive domicile in Asia, having been awarded the Asian domicile of 2021 by Captive Review, for the 3rd time. It is only through partnerships did we achieve this accolade – so thank you for your unyielding support and belief in us!
The thread of partnership continues as we host a series of webinars on succession planning, wealth management and asset preservation with Deloitte Private, spanning August and September. We hope you will be able to join us during these live sessions, where Labuan IBFC’s wealth management solutions will be examined, along with a discussion on Syariah options. To register and for more info, click here.
Until our next edition, stay safe one and all.
Warmest Regards,
Chief Executive Officer, Labuan IBFC Inc.
[email protected]