Direct from Asia Pacific's Leading Midshore Business and Financial Centre.
by Farah Jaafar-Crossby
It is no mere coincidence that Labuan derives its name from the word “labuhan” or a port. Its naturally deep, well-sheltered harbour established Labuan’s early position as a strategic maritime port from the 1800s. Some have even opined that Admiral Cheng Ho, the early Chinese mariner, explorer and diplomat, would have had...
It is no mere coincidence that Labuan derives its name from the word “labuhan” or a port. Its naturally deep, well-sheltered harbour established Labuan’s early position as a strategic maritime port from the 1800s. Some have even opined that Admiral Cheng Ho, the early Chinese mariner, explorer and diplomat, would have had...
As I write this note, most, if not all of us have only one thing on our mind. The safety and health of our loved ones, ourselves and the community we live in. I would like to take a moment to send our thoughts and best wishes to you our “Labuan global family”, as collectively we rekindle the spirit of collaboration and empathy to overcome these challenging times.
In the meantime, am pleased to say business is as usual at Labuan IBFC Inc and any disruption if at all, will be minimal as alternative work arrangements are in place. Of course, as a market development unit, travel restrictions have had a profound impact on how we access and develop markets, but we also recognise challenges are opportunities!
Am pleased to announce the impending launch of our joint white paper with Singapore Management University entitled “Philanthropic Structuring: The Asian Context Paving the Way to Strategised, Sustainable and Impactful Giving”. It has been a joy working with Professor Tang Hang Wu and team on this paper, which aims to develop structured giving in Asia, facilitating financial inclusion and reducing the wealth gap in the region.
So please watch this space! In the meantime, to all our friends, near and far, please stay safe!
Farah Jaafar-Crossby
Chief Executive Officer, Labuan IBFC Inc
In the meantime, am pleased to say business is as usual at Labuan IBFC Inc and any disruption if at all, will be minimal as alternative work arrangements are in place. Of course, as a market development unit, travel restrictions have had a profound impact on how we access and develop markets, but we also recognise challenges are opportunities!
Am pleased to announce the impending launch of our joint white paper with Singapore Management University entitled “Philanthropic Structuring: The Asian Context Paving the Way to Strategised, Sustainable and Impactful Giving”. It has been a joy working with Professor Tang Hang Wu and team on this paper, which aims to develop structured giving in Asia, facilitating financial inclusion and reducing the wealth gap in the region.
So please watch this space! In the meantime, to all our friends, near and far, please stay safe!
Farah Jaafar-Crossby
Chief Executive Officer, Labuan IBFC Inc