Direct from Asia Pacific's Leading Midshore Business and Financial Centre.
Dear All
As I write this note, it dawns on me that we have reached the halfway mark of 2020; a challenging year for us all, in one shape or form. A.C. (After COVID) life in this new normal world is anything but ‘normal’. For example, I was recently informed that we should no longer blow out birthday candles and instead clap to extinguish them!
Having said that, some things will not change. Like the role that a wholesale financial intermediation centre like Labuan IBFC plays in facilitating financial globalisation. A role we have played for 30 years and a role we intend to play for another 30! Read about what we have achieved and our aspirations in the accompanying article. And for a deeper dive, have a look at the exclusive Q&A with the Director General of Labuan FSA, Datuk Danial Mah Abdullah listed on our reading list.
Let me know what you think. My line of communication is always open and I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you for your support. Stay safe and optimistic!
Warmest Regards
Farah Jaafar-Crossby
Chief Executive Officer, Labuan IBFC Inc